Dear Engaged Couple:
We congratulate you on your
engagement and want to offer a word of encouragement to you during this special
period of preparation for marriage.
While there are many issues which you will discuss over the course of your
preparation period, one important area in which many priests and couples have
shared their concerns with us is that of engaged couples living together before
marriage. While many in our society may see no problem with this arrangement,
living together and having sexual relations before marriage can never be
reconciled with what God expects of us.
In addition, countless studies have
shown that couples who live together before marriage have higher rates of
divorce and a poorer quality of marital relationship than those who do not.
Your engagement is meant to be a
time of grace and growth in preparing for your marriage. In the months ahead,
we urge all engaged couples who are living together to separate. All Catholics
should seek to be reconciled with God and the Church by going to confession and
by going to Mass and Holy Communion regularly.
Living chastely during your
remaining months of engagement will teach you many things about one another. It
will help you to grow in the virtues of generous love, sacrificial giving,
self-restraint and good communication - virtues which are essential for a good
and lasting marriage.
We pray that as you seek God and his
way more deeply, you will be rewarded with an abundance of his grace. May your
love for each other always be strong and life-giving.
1. What is cohabitation?
"Cohabitation" is commonly
referred to as "living together." It describes the relationship of a
man and woman who are sexually active and share a household, though they are
not married.
2. Why is cohabitation such a
concern for the Church?
As you work with your priest during
this time of preparation for marriage, you will speak with him about many
issues. But the Church is particularly concerned about cohabitation because the
practice is so common today and because, in the long run, it is causing great
unhappiness for families in the Church. This is true, above all, because - even
though society may approve of the practice - cohabitation simply cannot be
squared with God's plan for marriage. This may be why most couples who live together
before marriage find married life difficult to sustain for very long.
The Church does not invent laws. It
passes on and interprets what God has revealed through the ages. No one in the
Church has the right to change what Jesus has taught. To do so would be to
deprive people of saving truths that were meant for all time. Our Christian
faith teaches that a sexual relationship belongs only in marriage. Sex outside
of marriage shows disrespect for the sacrament of marriage, the sacredness of
sex, and human dignity.
3. We have good reasons for living
together before our wedding. Why can't the Church just accept that?
The Church cares for you as a parent
cares for a beloved son or daughter. Knowing that cohabitation increases a
couples' chance of marital failure, the Church wants to protect you and
preserve your happiness. Besides, most couples don't really evaluate the
reasons they give to justify their decision. Think about it:
Reason 1: "It's more convenient
for us."
"Convenience" is a good thing, but it's not the basis for making a
decision that will affect your entire life. Married life is sometimes
inconvenient and even demanding. Cohabitation for convenience is poor
preparation for that kind of commitment. Research bears this out. Studies show
that those who live together before marriage tend to prefer "change,"
"experimentation" and open-ended lifestyles - all of which could lead
to instability in marriage. One study, conducted by researchers at the
University of Chicago and the University of Michigan, concluded that couples
who cohabit tend to experience superficial communication and uncommitted
decision-making once they are married. Cohabitation for convenience does not
allow for the careful thought and adequate "space" necessary for
making wise life decisions.
Reason 2: "We're trying to save
money for the wedding, so living together is more economical."
Sure, you might save the price of monthly rent, but you're sacrificing
something more valuable. Engagement is more than just time to plan the party.
It is a time for deeper discussion and more thorough reflection, which are best
carried out in a detached way. Couples who are living together do not have the
luxury of such detachment. So whatever expenses you save, you'll likely pay
more in the end. Dr. Joyce Brothers said it well in an article on cohabitation:
"short-term savings are less important than investing in a lifetime
Reason 3: "Because of the high
divorce rate, we want to see if things work out first."
Studies consistently show that couples who live together score significantly
lower in both marital communications and overall satisfaction. On the surface,
a trial run at marriage may seem to make sense, allowing one to screen out less
compatible mates. But it doesn't work out that way. Couples who live together
before marriage actually have a 50% greater chance of divorce than those who
don't. And about 60% of couples who cohabit break up without marrying. Living
together before marriage is different from living together in marriage, because
there is no binding commitment to support the relationship.
Reason 4: "We need to get to
know one another first. Later we'll start having kids."
Cohabitation is actually the worst way to get to know another person, because
it shortcuts the true development of lasting friendship. Those who live
together before marriage often report an over-reliance on sexual expression and
less emphasis on conversation and other ways of communication - ways that
ultimately lead to a more fulfilling sexual union after marriage.
Traditionally, the process of dating or "courtship" has led couples
to a deeper appreciation of one another through conversation, shared ideals and
dreams, and a mutual understanding of one another's values.
Reason 5: "The Church is just
outdated and out of touch with its thinking in this matter. Birth control made
those old rules obsolete."
That's just not true. In the early days of the Church, living together outside
of marriage was common among the non-Christians in the Roman Empire - as was the
use of artificial contraception. But these practices were devastating for
individuals, families, and society. Women were treated as disposable objects,
mere toys for sexual pleasure, to be discarded when passions waned. The
Christian vision of marriage and family led to happiness and fulfillment for
individuals and families - and a great renewal of culture and society. Far from
being outmoded, then as now, the Church's teaching is revolutionary - and it
4. Why does the Church interfere in
the sex lives of couples? It's really just a private matter between us.
Sex is intensely private and
personal, but it also has deep moral and social dimensions. Sex works as a
primary bonding agent in families and the family is the building block of
society. Sexual rights and wrongs influence the health and happiness of
individuals, families and neighborhoods. That's why sexual behavior has always
been the subject of many civil laws. The Church, of course, wishes to safeguard
the family and society. But, more than that, the Church wishes to safeguard
your relationship with your future spouse and with God. Sex is the act that
seals and renews the couple's marriage covenant before God. Sexual sins, then,
are not just between a man and a woman, but between the couple and God. And
that's the Church's responsibility. Sex is not simply a private matter. If it's
between you and God, it's between you and the Church. You need to ask yourself:
"When do I stop being a Christian? When I close the bedroom door? When
does my relationship with God cease to matter?"
5. But, really, how does what we do
with our own bodies affect our relationship with each other and our spiritual
relationship with God?
The gift of your body in sexual
intercourse is a profound symbol of the giving of your whole self. In making
love, the husband and wife are saying to one another in "body
language" what they said to each other at the altar on their wedding day:
"I am yours, for life!" God created sex to be physically pleasurable
and emotionally fulfilling. But it is even greater than all that. It is, above
all, the deepest sign of the complete gift of self that a husband and wife
pledge to each other. This mutual gift empowers the couple to become
co-creators with God in giving life to a new person, a baby. According to God's
design, the gift of sexual union has two primary purposes: strengthening
married love and sharing that love with children. The only "place"
where this total self-giving between a man and a woman is to take place is in
marriage. It is the only "place" where children can be raised with
the secure, committed love of a mother and a father. So sexual intimacy belongs
only in marriage. Outside of marriage, sex is a lie. The action says: "I
give you my whole self" - but the man and woman are really holding back
their commitment, their fertility, and their relationship with God.
Before giving your body to another
person, you need to give your whole life, and you need to receive your spouse's
whole life in return - and that can only happen in marriage.
6. Why can't I just follow my
conscience if I believe living together is okay?
People can be wrong in matters of
conscience, and people often are. Where our self-interest is concerned, our
capacity for self-deception is huge. Here, as in everything we do, we need an
objective standard to tell us if our conscience is properly formed and able to
make right judgments. Morality is not a matter of opinion or "gut
feeling." Conscience is God's voice, speaking the truth deep within your
heart. It's unlikely - if not impossible - that God would contradict His own
commandments just for your convenience or desires. You are acting in good
conscience when you choose to do what God intends. The choice to live together
outside a marriage is always wrong and sinful.
7. Why does the Church claim that
living together is a scandal to others?
Many of our family and friends are
doing the same thing. Just because everyone does something doesn't make it
right or any less serious. A couple's choice to live together is not simply
made in isolation. It affects everyone in relationship with these two people -
parents, brothers, sisters, friends, and even other members of the parish. A
cohabiting couple implicitly communicates that there is nothing wrong breaking
God's law. This can be especially misleading to young children - nieces,
nephews, and children of
friends - who are impressionable and whose moral reasoning is immature.
8. What is the best way to prepare
ourselves spiritually for our upcoming marriage?
"A wedding is for a day, but a
marriage is for a lifetime." That can be a long and happy time, but only
with good preparation. The best way to get ready for marriage is to practice
your faith. Catholics do this by faithful attendance at weekly Sunday Mass, by
going to the Sacrament of Penance (confession), by prayer, and by practicing
works of charity. If you haven't been attending Mass regularly, your parish
priest will want to see you back. If it's been a long time since your last
confession, your priest will help you. Confession is a necessary step if you
have already been cohabiting. During the days of preparation, you are strongly
encouraged to pray together as a couple, read Scripture, and lead a virtuous
life. For guidance, look to other couples with strong Christian values.
9. Why should we need to separate
now? It's just an arbitrary rule of the Church.
The Church's teaching on
cohabitation is not an "arbitrary" rule. Living together before
marriage is a sin because it violates God's commandments and the law of the Church.
St. Paul lists this sin - technically called "fornication" among the
sins (whether within or outside cohabitation) that can keep a person from
reaching heaven (see 1 Corinthians 6:9) Cohabitation works against the heart's
deepest desires and greatly increases the chances of a failed marriage. If you
are honest with yourself, every practical consideration will tell you that
separating before marriage is the right thing to do. It is a decision to turn
away from sin and to follow Christ and His teaching. That is always the right
decision. But it's a good decision for other important reasons, too:-it will
strengthen your marriage -it will deepen your friendship -it will foster deeper
intimacy and communion -it will build up your problem-solving and communications
skills -it will give your marriage a greater chance for success. You may think
you are unique and that your passion for each other will never wane. But that's
what most couples think. No one goes into marriage planning for a breakup; yet
a majority of couples today do break up. You want to be one of the exceptional
couples who not only succeed in marriage, but also live together in happiness
and fulfillment. Some couples who are living together think that separation
before marriage is artificial or meaningless. Some fear that halting sexual
activity will be harmful to the relationship. But this is rarely the case.
Sometimes in marriage, too, a sexual relationship will have to be suspended for
a time due to illness, military service, business travel, or the good of a
spouse. Relationships not only survive this, but actually grow stronger. God
rewards such sacrifices with graces for a good relationship. Abstaining from
sex will also enable you to rely on other means of communication, which
ultimately will empower you to get to know each other in a deeper, lasting way.
10. What good will following the
Church's teachings do for us anyway?
Catholic teaching in this matter
brings rich blessings to those couples who willingly accept it. The Good News
of Jesus frees you to enjoy intimacy even more:
-by appreciating your spouse as a person, not an object
-by living in a stable, secure, permanent, and faithful relationship
-by expressing true, committed love rather than simply satisfying a physical
Married life has a special place in God's plan. Like everything good, it
require sacrifices. But they're small compared to the rewards. Seek first the
Kingdom of God; everything else you desire will be given to you - and more!
Questions for Reflection and Prayer:
1. As an engaged couple, why did you choose to cohabit before marriage?
2. What have the two of you learned from your experience of living together?
What have you learned about yourselves as a couple and as individuals?
3. What is the driving force behind your decision to marry at this time? What
has changed in the relationship and made you wish to marry and have your
marriage blessed in this Church?
4. Was there a previous reluctance or hesitation to marry? If so, why? Have
those issues been completely resolved?
5. Why are you seeking marriage in the Catholic Church?
6. What does marriage as a sacrament mean to the two of you?
7. How do you see your faith and love for each other as an intimate part of
your marriage?
8. How do you want your marriage to be open to life?
"At the beginning, the Creator
made them male and female and declared for this reason a man shall leave his
father and mother and cleave to his wife. And the two shall become as one.
Thus, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, let no man separate what
God has joined."
- Matthew 19:4-6
"The intimate community of life
and love which constitutes the married state has been established by the
Creator and endowed by him with its own proper laws . . . God himself is the
author of marriage."
- The Church in the Modern World, Vatican II, 48
"The conjugal covenant of
marriage opens the spouses to a lasting communion of love and life, and it is
brought to completion in a full and specific way with the procreation of
children. The communion of spouses gives rise to the community of the
family." - Letter to Families, Pope John Paul II, 7
"Sexuality, by means of which
man and woman give themselves to one another through the acts which are proper
and exclusive to spouses . . . is realized in a truly human way only if it is
an integral part of the love by which a man and woman commit themselves totally
to one another until death . . . That total physical self-giving would be a lie
if it were not the sign and fruit of a total personal self-giving."
- Familiaris Consortio, Pope John Paul II, 11
"The spouses' union achieves
the twofold end of marriage: the good of the spouses themselves and the
transmission of life. These two meanings or values of marriage cannot be
separated without altering the couple's spiritual life and compromising the
goods of marriage and the future of the family. The conjugal love of man and
woman thus stands under the twofold obligation of fidelity and fecundity."
- Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2363
"The very preparation for
Christian marriage is itself a journey of faith. It is a special opportunity
for the engaged to rediscover and deepen the faith received in Baptism and
nourished by their Christian upbringing. In this way they come to recognize and
freely accept their vocation to follow Christ and to serve the Kingdom of God
in the married state."
- Pope John Paul II, the Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World
Excerpts from the Questions and
Answers Regarding Cohabitation and the Church's Moral Teaching
The Bishops of Pennsylvania
Source Pennsylvania Catholic
Conference (c) 1999